Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gingrich wins South Carolina Primary

Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina Primary by 40.4%. Since 1980, when the South Carolina primaries began, the winner of this primary goes on to win the Republican nomination. If history can be trusted, this means more than likely Gingrich will win the nomination. It seemed that Gingrich's response to the first question posed by John King got the crowd roaring, ready to commit to his cause and emotionally supportive of Gingrich's heartfelt criticism.

Was CNN (and King's) decision to ask about Gingrich's personal life as the very first question a lousy decision: YES.

Was this what led to Gingrich's victory and the downfall of the media's trustworthiness: Perhaps an exaggeration.

So, what're your thoughts? Will Gingrich's win lead him to win the Republican nomination, and even more importantly, can he go on to defeat President Obama to become the new commander-in-chief of the world's current superpower?

If the answers to both of those questions are in the affirmative, I'm nervous for the future of our great country.